Even before you begin...know this...

I started writing this blog so many years ago (2008) that I am sure at least some things must have changed since I wrote it - if anyone has any info I can add, change or delete please email me at SCURTISCO at AOL dot COM and I will gladly update accordingly.

When I first started this blog, I used to get dozens of emails a day about all sorts of things relating to the FPGEE®, and becoming a US pharmacist in general. Now, all these years later, having kept the site up and running, I almost only ever get one of two questions - "I have passed the FPGEE® and got my certificate but can you help me find a sponsor" or "what is the best book to revise for the Naplex®/CPJE® exam"

It is very difficult to find any factual information on how many foreign pharmacists are still sitting the FPGEE® and the nearest info I can rely on is how many foreign pharmacy graduates sit the California Law Exam (CPJE®) which has dropped somewhat over the last 10 years, but still shows many do take the exam. However, the numbers of pharmacists being offered work permits or gaining green cards has dropped, so my guess is that many of those who are sitting the Naplex® or CPJE® already have green cards and are just attaining their RPh status already having got passed the very considerable hurdle of gaining a green card without going through a sponsor for an H1b®

In any case, if you do decide to start the process expect it to be long and agonizing, expensive and worrying at every point, but definitely worth the effort in the long run.

Good luck to you and don't be afraid to contact me if I can be of any assistance,

(email: SCURTISCO at AOL dot COM)

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