
Showing posts from January, 2017

Even before you begin...know this...

I started writing this blog so many years ago (2008) that I am sure at least some things must have changed since I wrote it - if anyone has any info I can add, change or delete please email me at SCURTISCO at AOL dot COM and I will gladly update accordingly. When I first started this blog, I used to get dozens of emails a day about all sorts of things relating to the FPGEE®, and becoming a US pharmacist in general. Now, all these years later, having kept the site up and running, I almost only ever get one of two questions - "I have passed the FPGEE® and got my certificate but can you help me find a sponsor" or "what is the best book to revise for the Naplex®/CPJE® exam" It is very difficult to find any factual information on how many foreign pharmacists are still sitting the FPGEE® and the nearest info I can rely on is how many foreign pharmacy graduates sit the California Law Exam (CPJE®) which has dropped somewhat over the last 10 years, but still shows many...